GT7 App for Basketball Players

Create and manage your games, find new players, manage your payments

Create Games

Create Pickup and Scrimmage games

Find a venue in your local area

Generate Free or Pay2Play events

Create Age specific events

Manage event checkins

Join & Play

Find basketball games in your area

Payments held in Escrow until game begins

See your games schedule

Join games specific to age and gender

Meet new players

App Screens

Find Games in your area, join up and play, create your own games an organiser,
and manage your playing schedule

GT7 how to download app
GT7 Add to home screen

Download GT7

GT7  can be downloaded directly from your browser to your mobile device - it operates just like a mobile app!

Step 1 - open the browser options menu on your mobile device, near the bottom you will find an option on Chrome to Add to Home Screen

Step 2 - Click the Add to Home Screen button and a draw will pop up with the option to Install - click the Install option and it will add GT7 to your device the same as a mobile app is installed.

You can then drag the GT7 app icon to a home screen for fast access.